CCOO de Catalunya Recull de premsa del dia Almudena Grandes: in the Face of machismo 3. When Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1. And so it was with the house of Galileo street 1. Madrid, a place that the writer has passed thousands of times and that gave roof to Clara Stauffer, a leading falangist who hid and took refuge to many nazi criminals for years. Stauffer is one of the central characters of the last novel of Great, patients of dr. Garcia (Tusquets), the fourth in the series of six Episodes of an endless war. Nota2: In part 2 of this tutorial describes how to change the operating system and rootearlo, that is to say, to have total access to the operating system, with this will. The Store espa ms specializing in surveillance, spying and security espa of Spain. We have all the products espa to spy all where you need it. The author comes to his interview with The Huff. Post not only to introduce this book, but also willing to analyse the current Spanish politics, the situation in Catalonia, the evolution of feminism (and sexism) and the need for a law of historical memory. How did you get to the story of Clara Stauffer or how it got the story until you Found Clara in a book, as almost all of the things that have happened to me and that I have learned in my life; in a book by the journalist Javier Juarez who was called The wolf's lair, which caught my attention because on the cover he left Otto Skorzeny , very disfigured, with his scar, but also a very attractive. At that time that I was reading all sorts of things about the post-war, the franco dictatorship and its implications, I suddenly found myself with a Clear and more than Clear, with the house of Clara. What I scored was what Galileo, 1. Download The Post (2017) Hd. A street (with a cinema, a theatre, a concert hall, a cultural center where my daughter gave their concerts) that I have had to spend thousands of times. What impressed me first was how close the place. And then when I saw the picture of Clara in Peñalara in a swimsuit, somehow took hold of my head and my heart. Everything that I was researching it I was fascinated more and more. Is a woman very unique, very multifaceted, it has many facets. Excelled as athlete amateur high level, as in Spain prerrepublicana and republican women had the possibility to dedicate himself to the sport of competition. In the same way, he began a political career very young, he participated in the founding of the Women's Section, occupied the third place in the organization chart very soon and until the end. But when Franco won the war she helped to impose on the Spanish women's living conditions different from those to which she had formed and that he had been allowed to become what it was. That fascinated me: his double nationality, double militancy and, above all, there is one thing very fascinating in Clear: despite the fact that he was protecting criminals malvadísimos and despite the fact that she was serving a social cause of evil, was a woman truly selfless, who lived for his cause. Belonging to a very good family and with a heritage that would have allowed him to live well, everything that was Clear (his ability to work, your home, your property), put to the service of his cause and was like a mother to a lot of refugees. It is true that there were monstrous criminals among those refugees and it is true that not inspiring me with any sympathy their cause, but, however, you have to acknowledge your denial. The PP is the only party of the european right wing, which retains links with a fascist party. At some point, you have commented that our relationship with the past is abnormal and pathological, in reference to the historical memory. How do you explain Spain, on the one hand, it is a pure anomaly from 1. Second World War and the Allies, that they never wanted to recognize that the Civil War had been the first battle of the Second World War, decided that Franco would fall off more sympathetic than the democrats to Spanish and then turned that axiom latino and told him of the friend of my enemy is my friend. The best proof of this anomaly is that at the end of the 4. Experience more realism in your favorite game with these flyers, joysticks and gamepads gaming Sumrgete in reality Listing of movies available on Blog Peliculas ( www. This is a list of the movies that are in the blog to download. Official website of the University of A Corua. Links to centres, departments, services, plans of studies. Axis had recovered the democracy and dignity, but, while, here, the watch had stopped. Spain was the only power involved in the Second World War, which did not change after 4. But, in addition, the Spanish continue to persist in this anomaly after the Transition. Spain is the only country in Europe which does not have a public policy of memory. It is the only european democracy emerging from a totalitarian regime that is not founded in a solemn act of repudiation of the previous dictatorship. The Popular Party, in order to realize, is the only party of the european right wing, which retains links with a fascist party. LAW 906 OF 2004. Which issues the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amended in accordance with the Decree 2770 of 2004) The Congress of the Republic. If you can read this article congratulations for following the instructions basic to follow so you don't burn your retinas while you see the solar eclipse. And the Spanish democracy is the only democracy that is not founded on his own condition of antitotalitarismo, but is based on the air, without reference. This anomaly has permeated a good part of the institutions and of the political life of spain. What would you say to those who think that it is better to forget and turn the page to Forget is necessary, but, to forget, you first have to resolve the issues. The issue is that in Spain you are meant to forget stories that are not resolved. It is essential to resolve outstanding issues in order to begin to forget and if not forget, at least to give those who want the right to be able to forget. What is an outrage is pretend to forget that when issues are not resolved, and, above all, topics that in Spain already exceed the policy itself. The fact that it has 1. Another anomaly of Spanish is that there are people who consider that the fact that there 1. There are tens of thousands of Spanish families who are being denied a fundamental human right. A democratic State cannot do this. It is evident that the issue of historical memory is very misguided in our country. Despite everything, I still remain convinced that the battle of the memory is gained by a law, but it will not be by the law of historical memory, but by the law of gravity. Because the apples are falling from the trees. And although three million people are afónicas blowing up, in the end it will fall.