Download The Full Court (2015)
General AGREEMENT number 82. Plenum of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for which it stands for the deferment of the Resolution of the shelters in the review that there is still the problem of constitutionality of articles 6. To, 7. 1 - A and Fourth Transitory, fraction VI of the Law on Income Tax, published the seven of December two thousand and nine (through which are introduced a number of amendments to the tax consolidation regime with effect from two thousand and ten); related to the various 42. GENERAL AGREEMENT NUMBER 82. EIGHTEEN OF MAY, TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN, OF THE PLENUM OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS FOR THE DEFERMENT OF THE RESOLUTION OF THE SHELTERS IN THE REVIEW THAT THERE IS STILL THE PROBLEM OF CONSTITUTIONALITY OF ARTICLES 6. To, 7. 1 - A AND FOURTH TRANSITORY, FRACTION VI OF THE LAW ON INCOME TAX, PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE FEDERATION OF THE SEVEN OF DECEMBER TWO THOUSAND AND NINE (THROUGH WHICH ARE INTRODUCED A NUMBER OF AMENDMENTS TO THE TAX CONSOLIDATION REGIME WITH EFFECT FROM TWO THOUSAND AND TEN); RELATED TO THE VARIOUS 42. TWENTY MARCH, TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN, AND 72. THIRTEEN JUNE TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN. WHEREAS: FIRST. In accordance with the provisions of articles 9. General constitution, as well as 1. VI, and 3. 7, fraction IX, both of the Organic Law of the Judicial Power of the Federation, the Plenary meeting of this Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation issued the General Agreements Plenary 42. AGP 42. 01. 1PRIMERO. Download Pixel Vs 3 (2015) Movies. The District Courts will be sent directly to this Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation shelters in review in which there is still the problem of constitutionality of articles 6. ACUERDO GENERAL ASSEMBLY 12015, OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE. Plenum of the Supreme Court of Justice can. General AGREEMENT number 82014, seven April two thousand fourteen, and of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, for which it stands to the continuance. Download The Full Court (2015) ImdbDescargar The Full Court (2015) UfosA, 7. A and Fourth Transitory, fraction VI of the Law On Income Tax, published in the Official Journal of the Federation of the seven of December two thousand and nine (through which are introduced a number of amendments to the tax consolidation regime with effect from two thousand and ten), which has been issued or dictare the appropriate sentence and that, in their against has been lodged or is lodged the petition for review. SECOND. In the shelters in the review referred to in the previous point, based on before the Collegiate Circuit Courts, it shall continue the proceedings until the resolution state, and defer to the dictates of it, without that in such matters or in those submitted to this Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, to run the time limits of the expiration, until such time as this High Court to establish the respective criteria, and issue the General Agreement in Plenary as appropriate. AGP 72. FIRST. Is ordered to the District Courts the suspension of the direct shipment to this Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of the shelters in the review that there is still the problem of constitutionality of articles 6. To, 7. 1 - A and Fourth Transitory, fraction VI of the Law On Income Tax, published in the Official Journal of the Federation of the seven of December two thousand and nine (through which are introduced a number of amendments to the tax consolidation regime with effect from two thousand and ten), so that from and after the entry into force of this General Agreement, the resources respective to be sent to the or before the Collegiate Circuit Courts that apply, once they are debidamenteintegrados, in terms of the fraction R of the Point x of the General Agreement Plenary session 52.