Tienes that have at least 1. Please confirm your age by Facebook to Confirm age. There is only one season of Game of Thrones, and still there are many important questions about the future of the Seven Kingdoms that the final episode of the. The holoturia or sea cucumber, that is to say, the holoturia, is a highly prized delicacy in oriental cuisine, especially chinese cuisine. Download The Entire Jason Bourne (2016) Movie on this page. Sorry, we can't confirm that you have at least 1. Click to return to the main page. Look at the stars. Look at the stars. Recommendation,,,1 Thessalonians 5. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. By Sergio Scataglini God is training your eye to that, behind the realities of life, and to see the vision quetiene for you. More than 4,0. 00 years ago, God told a man who looked at the stars. Mira Los Nuevos Prendieron Fuego A Las Estrellas (2015) Online ' title='Mira Los Nuevos Prendieron Fuego A Las Estrellas (2015) Online ' />Probablementeconoces its history. Abraham, the father of faith. He was a faithful servant of God, but quizásese day I was a little discouraged. When the Lord said that he would give him a great reward,he replied: how And for what are you going to give me something, if I do not have children and I will inherit one of miscriados Then the Lord took him outside and said, " Look toward heaven and count the stars, to see sipuedes. So numerous shall your descendants (Gn. NIV). He says: Abraham, thou eresmuy old, your wife is old and barren and you are not yet a child; but every time I look at the cieloestrellado you'll be able to see how it will be the seed that you promised. He's teaching her to dream lossueños of God. Later he adds: In blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the estrellasdel heaven and as the sand which is upon the sea shore (Gen. I believe that Abraham, caminandopor those deserts, I would say: As this arena will be my offspring. Up on the floor I could see lavisión heavenly. God gives Abraham a vision of blessing and multiplication impossible to calculate humanly. That promise also is to all; it is part of the so-called that He gave to his Church. We are spiritual descendants of Abraham. God promises you that you are going to wear a fruit that noimaginabas. Once more, in Genesis 2. God says to Abraham: it Will be your offspring like the dust of the earth, and you will stretch to the west, east, north, and south; and all the families of the tierraserán blessed in thee and in thy seed. He says to Abraham, the man without the son, and to you as well. Your family, like yours, will come the blessing of many others:. Genesis 1. 2: 3). Notice that it does not say the individuals, says the family. As a Church, we have committed an error: we have neglected families. We christians have all kinds of ministries, but lasfamilias are very weak. So he prays and begins to have already the vision of many parientesconvertidos: uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, brothers, sisters, parents. Dreaming of that; pray for that. Yes, each unotiene their individuality, each one must decide. But you cry out: Lord, save this person. Life is very sad if there is no vision. You get confused if you don't have vision. Having a vision is to know what they God wants to do through our lives. Many only look at the natural needs that definitely need to be addressed. But, oh, what a shock when God takes us out of the kitchen, delcomedor, TV, work, and tells us: Come and look to the heavens; I'm going to show my vision I Am convinced that the healthy vision. Along with it you receive healing, receive strength divinapara move forward. What is your heart willing to accept the vision that God has for your life This is for the whole human being that says: I believe in God. I don't want to live in confusion, I accept the view that. Jesus left us: to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. I pray that from today you can become a dreamer; someone who is above lamediocridad, and you can have those moments where you breathe deep and see the vision that Diostiene for your life. Many of you are going through pain, are going through a crisis. Listen to me: Élestá training your sight for that, behind the realities of life, and to see the vision that tienepara you. Some became stuck in the wilderness of the excuses. A way to heal estener the vision for our life. She enlightens us, gives us strength when we can no longer more.